Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 14, 2012, 6:48 am:
I think I'm caught up, finally. We'll see if I think of anything else. Now to catch up on the pictures.
Elder Scott is scheduled as a teamster today and I'm scheduled at the Lyon Drug and Variety Store. Haven't been there before, like a few other places.
There are 48 places and I've been to 14 of them. That 48 is counting Administration, conservation, executive, farewell, medical, facilities management, missionary orientation, prepare to depart, rendezvous song practice, mission secretary, sewing room, show administration, see site leader, temple patron, temple information center, unassigned, and welcome. That's 18 of them. I imagine I won't get assigned to some of those. So I guess I've been assigned to about half of the sites. I've been to the Brigham Young Home about 6 times and over to Carthage Visitor Center three times and Land and Records :) twice. All of the sites are interesting, but I really like the Brigham Young Home and Land and Records, of course. The Browning Home and Gunsmith Shop clicked in my brain pretty good also, so I enjoyed it a lot. Of course, it helps that we were assigned together there. At least once a week we are assigned together, besides our preparation day, of course. Sometimes we have different shifts, so it's interesting with just one car. Elder Scott doesn't mind walking if it's not raining. Sometimes I just drop him off though. I guess that will work until winter.
I was assigned to the Land and Records site Thursday at 11:30 am. Elder Scott and I went over early. He had to leave but I got a CD of the information they have on some of our ancestors that were in Nauvoo. They are on Elder Scott's side; through his mom's line. We need to go again and get some more. I haven't had time to look at the CD yet. If we want to do our own research, we have to go on our own time, because we are there to help the patrons when we are scheduled there. I may have some info to add to there info???? Have to check it out!!!
Well, breakfast time. Love you all, Sister Scott. Be good and careful! :)

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