Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 11, 2012, district assignment for district leaders

Answering Difficult Questions
District Meeting
November 18, 2012
Assigned last month:
“Ask in your daily prayers that someone will be put in your path whom you
can help.  Ask to be able to recognize them, understand their need, and provide
needed help by the Spirit.”  Report on your experiences.
Summarize the principle of “praying to find people to help” by the readings below:
PMG, p. 168 “Go About Doing Good” – 2nd and 4th paragraphs
PMG, p. 169 Read the two paragraphs between the “Activity” box and
the “Guildelines” box.
November meetings:
(In preparation for this district meeting, assign each missionary one of the
following questions.  Ask him/her to propose a simple answer and show how to tie
it back to the restoration)
Are Mormons Christians?
Why was polygamy allowed in your church?
Why don’t you honor Christ and wear a cross?
Why can’t you drink coffee or tea?
Why were the Mormons persecuted and driven out?
What goes on in Mormon temples?  Why are they so secret?
Why do you believe you can become gods?
How can you believe that Satan and Jesus Christ are brothers?
Why did you discriminate against the blacks and not give them the priesthood?
Why don’t you believe that we are saved by grace, like it says in the Bible?
Note to District Leader:
Try to create an atmosphere so the answers can be discussed and evaluated
in a non-threatening way to 1) refine the answer, and 2) suggest other ways to tie it
back to teaching the doctrines of the restoration (without causing offense to
Practice answering some of the difficult questions with a companion, and
report next month on any experiences actually using the answers you have

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