Monday, February 11, 2013

February 10, 2013, Relief Society lesson I gave

God, the Eternal Father
It’s found on page 36 in Teachings of the Presidents of the Church, Joseph Smith lesson book.
Sister Call had agreed to relate a story from her youth to us and then she got called to go with her companion, President Call, to fulfill another assignment. She gave me permission to have it read to us and Sister Skidmore has agreed to read it and then bear her testimony.

“The purposes of our God are great, His love unfathomable, His wisdom infinite, and His power unlimited; therefore, the Saints have cause to rejoice and be glad, knowing that ‘this God is our God forever and ever, and He will be our Guide until death.’ (Psalm 48:14)

Because I know the vast amount of knowledge that sits before me and that I could only bring to your remembrance things that you already know, I am asking for your help on this sacred subject.
Throughout the lessons in Sunday school and Relief Society in the last few weeks, even before the ice storm Sunday, we have been discussing how Joseph Smith’s parents and even his progenitors sought to know the true God. Joseph’s own parents were deeply spiritual, and although they did not find the full truth about God in the churches around them, they honored the Bible as God’s word and made prayer a part of daily life.
This early spiritual training sank deep into young Joseph Smith’s soul. When he became concerned about his eternal welfare and sought to know which church to join, he knew he could turn to God for answers.
As Joseph learned in the scriptures that God was the same yesterday, today, and forever, that he was no respecter to persons, for he was God, he looked around himself and saw evidence of an “omnipotent and omnipresent power” in the world.
What are some of the things you observe when you look around you that bear testimony of God? Think about just the things here in Nauvoo. One of the sisters I served with in a site told me it’s like living in the Garden of Eden. Of course this time of year they would have to warm it up a bit! So, what are some of the things you have seen, not only here in Nauvoo, but where ever you’ve been?
Will the sister I gave # 1 to, please read how Joseph Smith answered this question?
Joseph’s faithful prayer for mercy and wisdom was answered with the first vision. That vision gave the young Prophet far greater knowledge about God than any of the churches of his day possessed, knowledge that had been lost to the world for centuries. In the First Vision, Joseph learned for himself that the Father and the Son are individual beings, that Their power is greater than the power of evil, and that man is indeed fashioned in God’s image---truths that are essential in understanding our actual relationship to our Father in Heaven.
Will the sister I gave # 2 to please read it?
 In my mind it seems to come down to faith. Faith that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, faith that he did have the first vision and had authority to speak for God. Then we can learn from what Joseph taught about the nature of God and our relationship to God. So let’s explore the teachings of Joseph Smith about God, the Eternal Father.  
On page 39, the first thing under Teachings of joseph Smith, read to yourselves the first three paragraphs looking for teachings that reveal the character of God:
1-    He is the Great Parent of the universe.
2-    He cares for us like a parent.
3-    He views us as His offspring.
4-    He doesn’t have feelings like those that influence man.
5-    He is not a respecter of persons/He causes ‘His sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust.’ [Matthew 5:45]
6-    He is the great source and fountain from whence proceeds all good.
7-    He is perfect intelligence.
8-    * His wisdom is alone sufficient to govern and regulate the mighty creations and worlds which shine and blaze with such magnificence and splendor over our heads, as though touched with His finger and moved by His Almighty word….The heavens declare the glory of a God, and the firmament showeth His handiwork [see Psalms 19:1]; and a moments reflection is sufficient to teach every man of common intelligence, that all these are not mere productions of chance, nor could they be supported by any power less than an Almighty hand.”
9-    He sees everything we do and knows our hearts.
Sister read # 3.
We really do have cause to rejoice and be glad, don’t we?
Now, I can kind of understand how those who don’t have prophets leading and guiding them get confused about The Godhead. All through the scriptures it talks about God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost being one.
The first Article of Faith is: “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.”
Joseph Smith taught the following in April 1843, later recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 130:22: “The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us.”
“Any person that had seen the heavens opened knows that there are three personages in the heavens who hold the keys of power, and one presides over all. These personages...are called God, the first, the Creator; God the second, the Redeemer; and God the third, the Witness or Testator.”
“[It is] the province of the Father to preside as the Chief or President, Jesus as the mediator, and the Holy Ghost as the Testator or Witness.”  
*If time have sisters take turns reading bottom of page 39 and page 40:  When we comprehend the character of God, we comprehend ourselves and know how to approach Him.
If not, go to testimony and conclusion.
*I know that God, the Eternal Father is the literal Father of our spirits and this being the case; we are literally gods in embryo. I know that our loving Heavenly Father put into place the plan of salvation, whereby our spirits could get a physical body, fashioned in the image and likeness of His own, and gain salvation.
I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. That He, being a God in His own right, came to earth to show us how to live by His very example, suffered and died for us, and was resurrected, showing us that we too will be resurrected.
I know that Jesus Christ didn’t leave us comfortless. He, again according to the plan of salvation that the Loving Father of our spirits put into place, gave us the Holy Ghost to guide us, comfort us, and help us come to the knowledge of things we knew before the veil was put over our eyes at birth.
I know God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three different and separate persons just like we are all different and separate people; and I quote from the last few words in the lesson: “but they are united and all agree in one or the selfsame thing.”
I am grateful for this knowledge, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Thanks to each of you, who have touched our hearts and minds with your comments.   
I would invite you to read this lesson through if you haven’t already (it is only 6 pages, well, 7 if you include the notes). Read of Joseph Smith’s story and testimony and do as he did; pray about it and receive your own witness through the Holy Ghost of these things. 


Sister Mary Jean Call
As told to Sister Bonita Skidmore

I grew up in Louisiana.   My mother was a Baptist and my father was a Catholic.   Because there was a small Baptist church within walking distance, I attended that church and went to Bible Vacation School every summer.  

I was about 9 years old when I went this particular summer, and the classes were about God and who he was.  They taught me that he was so large that he filled the universe and so small that he could dwell in my heart.

I couldn't understand this so I came home and asked my mother to explain God to me.   I remember that she went into the other room and got her Bible because she was a good Bible reading Christian; but whatever she read to me or taught me, I can't remember.   It must have not been profound because I don't remember what she said.

So still not understanding, I went out to play in our big pecan orchard.   It was a clear summer day, and I looked into what I thought must be heaven and only saw one little white fluffy cloud in the sky.   Since God had been explained to me as a wispy sort of being, I thought, “Are you God?”

As I looked at the cloud, I said to myself:   If you are God, I don't understand you. Because you don't have any eyes, you can't see me. You don't have any ears, so you can't hear me. You don't have a mouth, so you can't tell me anything.   You don't have any hands; you can't even help me. And you don’t have any feet; you can't even come to me.

So I knelt down, and asked, “God, someday help me understand who you are.”   It was important to me; and with my question being sent to Heaven and as children do, I got up, began playing and forgot it.

Much later, when I was 27 years old, had joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at age 20, had married in the temple and had 3 children, I was called to teach the monthly Spiritual Living Lesson in Relief Society.  The sisters I would be teaching were older and seasoned in the church.  They intimidated me, and I was worried sick. I prayed for help and studied and studied and studied as I prepared.

The day of my lesson, I got up at 5:00 in the morning while the children were all asleep so I could review and make sure I had my lesson the way I wanted it to be.   While I was studying it, this deep impression came into my mind.

Remember when you were a child, and you asked to know who I am.”

I did immediately remember, and the mental picture appeared to me of my younger self kneeling in that orchard and praying, God, someday help me understand who you are.    

The impression continued, “You were a child, and you've forgotten; but I am God, and I never forget.   And today you are teaching who I am.”  

I was amazed because that was the first time I had thought of that incident in all these years.   All those thoughts came flooding back into my mind, and I felt so thankful because now I knew.   God the Father had a body, and he had all those special parts: eyes, ears, mouth, hands, and feet.  
Not only do I know it, now it's my turn to teach it.

I did teach that lesson and felt a great comfort in the personal revelation that had come to me that morning.

My testimony has continued to grow; and today I have the opportunity of serving a full time mission in the Nauvoo Illinois Mission.   I get to share my testimony every day of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. I am so thankful that I understand who God truly is.

Now when I look into the sky and see a beautiful wispy cloud, I am grateful for it, but I know it isn’t God – because God does have eyes to see my needs, ears to hear my prayers and deepest desires, lips to whisper to my heart and give me personal revelation; arms to encircle me with peace and love; and feet to come to me when I invite him in.

“The purposes of our God are great, His love unfathomable, His wisdom infinite, and His power unlimited; therefore, the Saints have cause to rejoice and be glad, knowing that ‘this God is our God forever and ever, and He will be our Guide until death.’ (Psalm 48:14)
Because I know the vast amount of knowledge that sits before me and that I could only bring to your remembrance things that you already know, I am asking for your help on this sacred subject.
Throughout the lessons in Sunday school and Relief Society in the last few weeks, even before the ice storm Sunday, we have been discussing how Joseph Smith’s parents and even his progenitors sought to know the true God. Joseph’s own parents were deeply spiritual, and although they did not find the full truth about God in the churches around them, they honored the Bible as God’s word and made prayer a part of daily life.
This early spiritual training sank deep into young Joseph Smith’s soul. When he became concerned about his eternal welfare and sought to know which church to join, he knew he could turn to God for answers.
As Joseph learned in the scriptures that God was the same yesterday, today, and forever, that he was no respecter to persons, for he was God, he looked around himself and saw evidence of an “omnipotent and omnipresent power” in the world.
What are some of the things you observe when you look around you that bear testimony of God? Think about just the things here in Nauvoo. One of the sisters I served with in a site told me it’s like living in the Garden of Eden. Of course this time of year they would have to warm it up a bit! So, what are some of the things you have seen, not only here in Nauvoo, but where ever you’ve been?
Will the sister I gave # 1 to, please read how Joseph Smith answered this question?
Joseph’s faithful prayer for mercy and wisdom was answered with the first vision. That vision gave the young Prophet far greater knowledge about God than any of the churches of his day possessed, knowledge that had been lost to the world for centuries. In the First Vision, Joseph learned for himself that the Father and the Son are individual beings, that Their power is greater than the power of evil, and that man is indeed fashioned in God’s image---truths that are essential in understanding our actual relationship to our Father in Heaven.
Will the sister I gave # 2 to please read it?
 In my mind it seems to come down to faith. Faith that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, faith that he did have the first vision and had authority to speak for God. Then we can learn from what Joseph taught about the nature of God and our relationship to God. So let’s explore the teachings of Joseph Smith about God, the Eternal Father.  
On page 39, the first thing under Teachings of joseph Smith, read to yourselves the first three paragraphs looking for teachings that reveal the character of God:
1-    He is the Great Parent of the universe.
2-    He cares for us like a parent.
3-    He views us as His offspring.
4-    He doesn’t have feelings like those that influence man.
5-    He is not a respecter of persons/He causes ‘His sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust.’ [Matthew 5:45]
6-    He is the great source and fountain from whence proceeds all good.
7-    He is perfect intelligence.
8-    * His wisdom is alone sufficient to govern and regulate the mighty creations and worlds which shine and blaze with such magnificence and splendor over our heads, as though touched with His finger and moved by His Almighty word….The heavens declare the glory of a God, and the firmament showeth His handiwork [see Psalms 19:1]; and a moments reflection is sufficient to teach every man of common intelligence, that all these are not mere productions of chance, nor could they be supported by any power less than an Almighty hand.”
9-    He sees everything we do and knows our hearts.
Sister read # 3.
“The purposes of our God are great, His love unfathomable, His wisdom infinite, and His power unlimited; therefore, the Saints have cause to rejoice and be glad, knowing that ‘this God is our God forever and ever, and He will be our Guide until death.’ (Psalm 48:14)
Because I know the vast amount of knowledge that sits before me and that I could only bring to your remembrance things that you already know, I am asking for your help on this sacred subject.
Throughout the lessons in Sunday school and Relief Society in the last few weeks, even before the ice storm Sunday, we have been discussing how Joseph Smith’s parents and even his progenitors sought to know the true God. Joseph’s own parents were deeply spiritual, and although they did not find the full truth about God in the churches around them, they honored the Bible as God’s word and made prayer a part of daily life.
This early spiritual training sank deep into young Joseph Smith’s soul. When he became concerned about his eternal welfare and sought to know which church to join, he knew he could turn to God for answers.
As Joseph learned in the scriptures that God was the same yesterday, today, and forever, that he was no respecter to persons, for he was God, he looked around himself and saw evidence of an “omnipotent and omnipresent power” in the world.
What are some of the things you observe when you look around you that bear testimony of God? Think about just the things here in Nauvoo. One of the sisters I served with in a site told me it’s like living in the Garden of Eden. Of course this time of year they would have to warm it up a bit! So, what are some of the things you have seen, not only here in Nauvoo, but where ever you’ve been?
Will the sister I gave # 1 to, please read how Joseph Smith answered this question?

For I looked upon the sun, the glorious luminary of the earth, and also the moon rolling in [its] majesty through the heavens and also the stars shining in their course; and the earth also upon which I stood, and the beast of the field and the fowls of heaven and the fish of the waters; and also man walking forth upon the face of the earth in majesty and in the strength of beauty, [with] power and intelligence in governing the things which are so exceedingly great and marvelous, even in the likeness of Him who created them.
“And when I considered upon these things my heart exclaimed, Well hath the wise man said it is a fool that saith in his heart there is no God [see Psalms 53:1]. My heart exclaimed, All these bear testimony an bespeak an omnipotent and omnipresent power, a Being who maketh laws and decreeth and bindeth all in their bounds, who filleth eternity, who was and is and will be from all eternity to eternity. And when I considered all these things and that that Being seeketh such to worship Him as worship Him in spirit and in truth [see John 4:23], therefore I cried unto the Lord for mercy, for there was none else to whom I could go and obtain mercy.”
Joseph’s faithful prayer for mercy and wisdom was answered with the first vision. That vision gave the young Prophet far greater knowledge about God than any of the churches of his day possessed, knowledge that had been lost to the world for centuries. In the First Vision, Joseph learned for himself that the Father and the Son are individual beings, that Their power is greater than the power of evil, and that man is indeed fashioned in God’s image---truths that are essential in understanding our actual relationship to our Father in Heaven.
Will the sister I gave # 2 to please read it?
Other revelations about the nature of God followed, including many that are now in our latter-day scriptures. As God’s chosen instrument in restoring gospel truth to the world, the Prophet testified of God throughout his ministry. “I am going to inquire after God,” he declared, “for I want you all to know Him….You will then know that I am His servant; for I speak as one having authority.”

 In my mind it seems to come down to faith. Faith that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, faith that he did have the first vision and had authority to speak for God. Then we can learn from what Joseph taught about the nature of God and our relationship to God. So let’s explore the teachings of Joseph Smith about God, the Eternal Father.  
On page 39, the first thing under Teachings of joseph Smith, read to yourselves the first three paragraphs looking for teachings that reveal the character of God:
1-    He is the Great Parent of the universe.
2-    He cares for us like a parent.
3-    He views us as His offspring.
4-    He doesn’t have feelings like those that influence man.
5-    He is not a respecter of persons/He causes ‘His sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust.’ [Matthew 5:45]
6-    He is the great source and fountain from whence proceeds all good.
7-    He is perfect intelligence.
8-    * His wisdom is alone sufficient to govern and regulate the mighty creations and worlds which shine and blaze with such magnificence and splendor over our heads, as though touched with His finger and moved by His Almighty word….The heavens declare the glory of a God, and the firmament showeth His handiwork [see Psalms 19:1]; and a moments reflection is sufficient to teach every man of common intelligence, that all these are not mere productions of chance, nor could they be supported by any power less than an Almighty hand.”
9-    He sees everything we do and knows our hearts.
Sister read # 3.
“The purposes of our God are great, His love unfathomable, His wisdom infinite, and His power unlimited; therefore, the Saints have cause to rejoice and be glad, knowing that ‘this God is our God forever and ever; and He will be our guide until death.’ [Psalm 48:14.]

We really do have cause to rejoice and be glad, don’t we?
Now, I can kind of understand how those who don’t have prophets leading and guiding them get confused about The Godhead. All through the scriptures it talks about God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost being one.
The first Article of Faith is: “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.”
Joseph Smith taught the following in April 1843, later recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 130:22: “The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us.”
“Any person that had seen the heavens opened knows that there are three personages in the heavens who hold the keys of power, and one presides over all. These personages...are called God, the first, the Creator; God the second, the Redeemer; and God the third, the Witness or Testator.”
“[It is] the province of the Father to preside as the Chief or President, Jesus as the mediator, and the Holy Ghost as the Testator or Witness.”  
*If time have sisters take turns reading bottom of page 39 and page 40:  When we comprehend the character of God, we comprehend ourselves and know how to approach Him.
If not, go to testimony and conclusion.
*I know that God, the Eternal Father is the literal Father of our spirits and this being the case; we are literally gods in embryo. I know that our loving Heavenly Father put into place the plan of salvation, whereby our spirits could get a physical body, fashioned in the image and likeness of His own, and gain salvation.
I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. That He, being a God in His own right, came to earth to show us how to live by His very example, suffered and died for us, and was resurrected, showing us that we too will be resurrected.
I know that Jesus Christ didn’t leave us comfortless. He, again according to the plan of salvation that the Loving Father of our spirits put into place, gave us the Holy Ghost to guide us, comfort us, and help us come to the knowledge of things we knew before the veil was put over our eyes at birth.
I know God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three different and separate persons just like we are all different and separate people; and I quote from the last few words in the lesson: “but they are united and all agree in one or the selfsame thing.”
I am grateful for this knowledge, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Thanks to each of you, who have touched our hearts and minds with your comments.   
I would invite you to read this lesson through if you haven’t already (it is only 6 pages, well, 7 if you include the notes). Read of Joseph Smith’s story and testimony and do as he did; pray about it and receive your own witness through the Holy Ghost of these things. 

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