Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29, 2012 Bishop Taylor's letter

October 29, 2012 Bishop Taylor's letter:
This week's installment

Brian L Taylor <>Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 8:41 PM
To: Wilford Scott <>

Dear Elder Willie and Sister Judy,
            Just six months ago I shared with our missionaries the exciting experience I had when contractor Randy Chambers came to my door seeking information about the log cabin enclosed in one of the buildings he had purchased to remodel into office space.  Consulting my 1980 History of Farr West, I was able to trace back ownership through about four owners until I learned that Leonidas A Pritchett had obtained a patent from the U. S. Government on that land in 1876.  Randy and his brother recalled that their 2nd great-grandfather had the name Leonidas.  Estimating dates, I got on the Church's New Family Search and learned that Leonidas Pritchett's eldest daughter Catherine had married a Chambers--the very one that Randy claimed for an ancestor.
            I was disappointed that the county recorder's office did not have earlier records, because I knew my great-grandfather had been the first settler in Farr West in 1858.  Since that left an 18-year gap, I realized that the Pritchett property may have been owned by someone previously who could have built the cabin.
            Well, this past week I recalled that two other families in Farr West had Pritchetts in their ancestry.  I took a chance and called Lurlene Westergard, knowing she is interested in family history.  She promised to search through her records and see if she could find anything to help me.  Next day she phoned me to let me know that her deceased brother Len had found some earlier records.  While living in Virginia (before he joined the Church), Leonidas had applied for a land grant from the government.  After he moved to Utah, the requested land patent was given to him in Farr West in 1875.  I'll check with the land records office tomorrow, but it is reasonable to me that a "patent" would only be issued to the original occupant on the land.  If this information checks out, we can be  even more sure that Leonidas was the original occupant of the land.  Somewhere I heard that the receiver of a patent had to build on his land within a certain period of time.   
            Randy Chambers is so excited over the information we have uncovered.  And I have to admit that this is the most interesting project I have encountered for a long time.
            I may have mentioned to you some time ago that I am in the process of re-writing my 1980 history of Farr West.  The story of the log cabin is my introduction to the project.
            In your missionary work I'm sure you will be encouraging new converts to prepare records of their ancestors so temple work can be finished.  Life stories will be equally important--especially for posterity.  I trust that my story today will help you motivate someone along the line to put this on their To Do List.  The experience is so interesting and rewarding!
            Have a great week!  You're in my prayers.  Love, Brian

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22, 2012, Bishop Taylor's letter

October 22, 2012:


Brian L Taylor
6:34 PM (13 hours ago)
to me

Dear Elder Willie and Sister Judy,

            This week Brother David Jay kicked off another of his series of scripture seminars.  His first thought was to cover parts of the Book of Mormon that are not covered in the Sunday School lessons. However, the stake presidency preferred that he look ahead to next year's study of the Bible.  Accordingly, he decided to focus his first lesson on the PRICE that men paid in order for us to have the Bible that is accepted by the Church.  You may recall a talk in general conference that gave us some of the details on this subject.

            Had I known ahead of time what Brother Jay planned to do, I would have kept count on the number of horrible deaths that occurred as good men became martyrs over the years.  It is impressive.  I went back on the gospel  library to get one of the references, which I would like to quote for you, as follows:  "On October 6, in the year 1536, a pitiful figure was led from a dungeon in Vilvorde Castle near Brussels, Belgium.  For nearly a year and a half,  the man had suffered isolation in a dark, damp cell.  Now outside the castle wall, the prisoner was fastened to a post.  He had time to utter aloud his final prayer, 'Lord!  Open the king of England's eyes,' and then he was strangled.  Immediately his body was burned at the stake.  Who was this man, and what was the offense for which both political  and ecclesiastical authorities had condemned him?   His name was William Tyndale, and his crime was to have translated and published the Bible in English.

            'Tyndale, born in England about the time Columbus sailed to the new world, was educated at Oxford and Cambridge and then became a member of the Catholic clergy.  He was fluent in eight languages, including Greek, Hebrew, and Latin.  Tyndale was a devoted student of the Bible and the pervasive ignorance of the scriptures that he observed in both priests and lay people troubled him deeply. In a heated exchange with a cleric who argued against putting scripture in the hands of the common man, Tyndale vowed, 'If God spare my life, ere  many years I will cause a boy that driveth the plough, shall know more of the Scripture than thou dost!'

            He sought the approval of church authorities to prepare a translation of the Bible in English so that all could read and apply the word of God.  It was denied--the prevailing view being that direct access to the scriptures by any but the clergy threatened the authority of the church and was tantamount to casting 'pearls before swine.'

            Tyndale nevertheless undertook the challenging work of translation.  in 1524 he traveled to Germany under an assumed name, where he lived much of the time in hiding, under constant threat of arrest. With the help of committed friends, Tyndale was able to publish translations of the New Testament and later the Old Testament.  The Bibles were smuggled into England, where they were in great demand and much prized by those who could get them.  They were shared widely ant in secret.  The authorities burned all the copies they could find.  Nevertheless, within three years of Tyndale's death, God did indeed open King Henry VIII's eyes, and with publication of what was called the 'Great Bible,' the scriptures in English began to be publicly available.  Tyndale's work became the foundation for almost all future English translations of the Bible, most notably the King James Version."

            I know that the Lord sent those great men--martyrs--to accomplish a specific mission so we could have the scriptures today.  How grateful we all need to be for the priceless blessing that enables us to discuss intelligently the teachings of truth with those whom the Lord has prepared for you to contact.  Like you, I LOVE the scriptures--and I love the Prophet Joseph, who gave his life to seal his testimony.

My love to you, Brian

Friday, October 19, 2012

October 18, 2012

October 18, 2012:
We were able to go to the temple yesterday after we served in our sites 10 to 4. It was wonderful. I was scheduled to serve in the Heber C. Kimball Home but Elder Jardine called and sent me to the Family Living Center. It was a nice day. Sister Heaton made a batch of bread in the morning and I made one in the afternoon. They only had 6 loaves left in the morning when we got there. There wasn't quite enough time for the second batch to cool so Sister Skidmore took them home to cool. I teased her about them never to be seen again. :) It usually makes 6 loaves and I only made 5, so two of them were bigger and when they cooked, they raised to a point, kind of, in the middle. I said they were my Egyptian bread because they looked like pyramids. It was a fun day. Elder Skidmore had to make another fire in the bustle oven to get it warm enough for the second batch of bread to bake. We told him to just make a smaller fire because the ovens were already warm, but he reminded me of Shane. :) He built a roaring fire instead. I was surprised the second batch didn't burn, at least the first loaves we put in. We cook them three at a time. We don't put the dough in bread tins, we just make round loaves. It's half wheat flour and half white flour. It's really good bread.  The recipe for the bread and the gingerbread cookies are online at

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 16, 2012

October 16, 2012:
It seems like forever since Saturday. We went to the sociable thingy Saturday night. A bunch of the Seventy brethren were there and one of them talked. It was interesting and yet I didn't feel very good. Got up Sunday morning and I was so tight I could hardly breath. So I called Elder Jardine, the scheduler, and told him I was sick and stayed home all day. I felt so terrible, I didn't even get dressed all day. Got up Monday morning and went to the doctor and got an antibiotic. It rained off and on Sunday. Yesterday the weather wasn't too bad and it was our preparation day. We went to Keokuk and did our shopping and went to Rendezvous last night. The sun has been shining today and no rain. A little windy, but not too bad. Sister Sims and I were at the Heber C. Kimball Home serving 10 to 4. We had several tours, one being a tour bus. About 27 people. About 2:30, we closed up and came home because facilities management had the front door off and were remodeling the door frame. I seem to get in on a lot of the door jobs lately. We called and Elder Jardine told us to just go home for the 1 1/2 hours we had left. So I'm playing catch-up in the blogg!!! Elder Scott is at the Visitors Center until 5 pm. I better go pick him up.

Icarian Furniture & Woodworking Demonstration

Illinois Nauvoo Mission
11:24 AM (3 hours ago)
to undisclosed recipients
The “Beautiful Nauvoo” tourism office has sent information about Lon Simpson who is a local woodworking artisan. Mr. Simpson will be demonstrating Icarian Furniture & Woodworking as part of the Nauvoo Journey Stories event.  This will take place on Saturday, October 20th at 7:00 p.m.   If you are interested in attending, the flyer is attached with details for this event.
Have a great day,
Sister Christiansen

October 15, 2012
Contact:  Kim Orth, Nauvoo Tourism Office, 217-453-6648
Icarian Furniture & Woodworking Demonstration
Nauvoo, IL – Local woodworking artisan, Lon Simpson, will showcase Icarian furniture and
the design principles that the Icarian Society's members used during their time in Nauvoo
on October 20, 2012 in the Nauvoo-Colusa Elementary School Gym beginning at 7 pm. This
program is free and open to the public.
Simpson, a classically trained 18th and 19th century wood worker, often provides interactive
and informative woodworking demonstrations throughout the Tri-State area. Simpson has
recreated some of the furnishings that the Icarians used while in Nauvoo and operates a
custom furniture and millwright shop along Mulholland Street in Nauvoo.
The Icarian Society arrived in Nauvoo in 1849 and occupied vacant Mormon homes and
buildings in and around "Temple Square." The Utopian, Socialistic group sought to be selfreliant, wanted to live in peace, and used their own workers to manufacture utilitarian
This program is a part of the “Journey Stories” project in Nauvoo and has been made possible
in Illinois by the Illinois Humanities Council. This project is a part of the Museum on Main Street
program – a collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution and the Illinois Humanities
Council.  Support for Museum on Main Street has been provided by the United States Congress.
Support for the Illinois Humanities Council has been provided by the National Endowment for
the Humanities and the Illinois General Assembly.  This event is being sponsored locally by the
Nauvoo Tourism Office and the Nauvoo Historical Society.
This program is also partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency
and the Two Rivers Arts Council, a regional arts organization.
PO Box 500 ● 1295 Mulholland Street ● Nauvoo, Illinois 62354 ● 877-628-8661 ● FAX 217-

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Brian L Taylor's letter, October 14, 2012

Stake Conference

Brian L Taylor <>Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 5:42 PM
To: Wilford Scott <>
Dear Elder Willie and Sister Judy,
            Another stake conference has become history.  I believe I keep saying that each such conference is the best yet.  I realize that my making such a statement may be explained by my shortness-of-memory, but this is less important than just knowing that the Spirit has fed us just what we needed.  I heard the thought expressed that not all attendees would glean the same message(s) from the sessions.  If we are tuned to the Spirit, we will each hear what the Lord wants us to profit from.  Interesting!
            Our stake president emphasized some ideas that we hear over and over, but do you know what?  We still haven't achieved perfection on any of them.  Take a moment and ask yourself if you have done ALL you can to (1) express love to all those who touch your lives--Heavenly Father and the Savior, (spouse for a few of you,) parents, siblings, other relatives with whom you have occasional contact, friends, neighbors, converts, etc.; (2) consider the desires of your parents for you (I especially think of this even both parents are deceased)--reflect upon the ways your parents tried to teach you by example, hoping you would learn; (3) listen--I think of a phrase from the scriptures, "listen and obey."
            We were admonished to reflect upon our relationship with our mother.  My father was so busy trying to make a living off our 30-acre farm that Mother did most of the instructing--which I continue to appreciate so much.  I was the last of four siblings to live at home with our parents, so I heard the words, and I received special "love notes" on my birthday anniversaries from my mother.  Those are sacred enough to me that I have them among my keepsakes.  However, I do have a couple of notes from my father that are precious enough that they occupy a place in my "book of memories."
            In this morning's session of conference I was SO impressed to see our young people of the stake--my 16-year-old grandson included--preparing to participate in a stake choir.  Most of the young men left their cots off,  so we saw an impressive array of white shirts.  Gerilynn Jensen got the group to sing with great gusto, and the piano accompanist did a gorgeous job, so the music was very inspirational.  Two young people (including young Taylor Williams from our ward) sounded as good as returned missionaries as they gave short talks, told us how they were feeding their spirits, and expressed their wonderful testimonies.
            One male convert--a mature gentleman--brought forth a chuckle when he said that it had taken him "a long time to get here."  It is interesting that he had lived amongLDS for fifty years, but his hour had come, and he was so grateful to enjoy the blessings of membership at last.  Converts always carry such a humble, special spirit!
            President Gertsch presented an idea I had heard before, but it continues to spark my inner feelings--if I were on trial as a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict me?  My morning studies should persuade me to demonstrate my convictions during the day, especially showing love to all who pass my way.
            Today we were admonished to think of the value of the scriptures we study every day.  Lehi recognized their importance sufficiently that he sent his son back to Jerusalem to obtain the brass plates.  Then Nephi felt moved upon by the spirit that he took a man's life in order that he could take the scriptures back to his father.  How often we read in the Book of Mormon about leaders' feeling the importance of searching those scriptures.
            I pray that my ramblings today will stir some special feelings in your heart --particularly the feelings of appreciation.  I appreciate what YOU are doing in this marvelous process of spreading the message of truth and happiness.
Love you, Brian
P.S. I decided to check with President Gertsch to be sure how many wards we now have in Farr West--it is 11--8 in our stake and 3 in an adjoining stake.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 13, 2012

October 13, 2012:
We went to Nauvoo on the Road today. It was the River Fest in Bentonsport, Iowa. Elder & Sister Haurand are over Nauvoo on the Road and Elder & Sister Nelson went with us. It was an enjoyable day even though it rained off and on and the wind blew a little but it wasn't too bad. I wore my snow boots to keep my feet warm and dry, gloves part of the day, and my winter coat. When we got there we weren't even sure we were going to be able to set up. It was predicted to build storm worse and worse throughout the day. Elder Scott gave the prayer before we left Nauvoo and prayed for a window in the weather and his prayer was answered. I think we had just a little over 200 people come to our "booth". There was supposed to be a band playing in a gazebo next to us and they didn't set up because of the weather so they told us to set up in the gazebo. That was a blessing because it kept the rain off us somewhat. We went to pull out of there and was about stuck. The tires were spinning in the mud. With a little prayer, we pulled out of there with not too much of a problem. They put some straw under the tires and kind of went back and forth and it moved from the rut we were in. Then there was a tree branch in the way. It would have scratched the trailer and probably the van too. Some boys were watching that had participated in the rope making and let us use the rope they got from the demonstration to help get the branch out of the way. I had bought some yummy fug to eat on the way home so I gave it to the boys instead for helping us. They were pretty happy about that. All in all, it was a nice day. Elder Haurand took some pictures and said he would email them to us, so I'll post them when he does.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Short History of Thomas Washington Smith

from family group sheet in Joseph Smith building in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Sources of information:
Nauvoo Temple records #4161, book B, page 421.
Nauvoo Temple records #4214, book B, page 422.
Family records in possession of Thomas B. Smith, 125 West, 4th South,
Santaquin, Utah 84655.
from another sheet: Gen. Soc. Utah, F Tenn. Glb.
F AM 33, Pt, 154, Ser. # 1131, Iowa Branch Records.
Gibson County, Tennessee Marriages--1824-1850.

A Short History of Thomas Washington Smith, Willie's 2nd great grandfather:
Thomas Washington Smith was born 23 December 1815 in Smith County, Tennessee.  James Agee Smith and Margaret Love are his parents.  They were honest hardworking people.  James Agee owned and operated a ferry on the Mississippi River.

We have very little information about Thomas Washington Smith in his younger years.  He was a farmer and followed boating.  He married his childhood sweetheart Mary Ann Ross on 3 March 1836.  She was known by all as Aunt Mary.  Relatives and friends, everyone, loved her.

They were a very happy couple.  Expecting their first child they knew it would be a boy and had even chosen a name for him, Robert Allen Smith.  My mother used to tell me the following story as often as I could coax her to.  It seems they were out of flour and from the ranch where they lived it was 40 or 50 miles to the gristmill.  Everything was well at home Thomas Washington thought this Mary and the expected child, but when he was ready to go, Mary kissed him goodbye and told him she'd never see him again.  But life must go on.  He thought she was nervous and he talked to her and she smiled again and kissed him goodbye.  He felt sure she was just frustrated but after he had gone many miles he thought of what Mary had said.  The further he traveled the more he worried.  He hurried, driving early and late until the almost killed his team, but bad roads delayed him and he was late getting back.  He was very concerned about her last remark.

When he finally was in sight of his home, he saw that the light was on even though it was 2:00 AM in the morning.  When he arrived, he found his beloved wife had died in childbirth.  He paced the floor for hours.  His grief was terrible.  Their friends were making her burial clothes.  He thought that life was over for him.

Thomas Washington was baptized and confirmed to the LDS church on 6 January 1841.  His parents and the family were converted about the same time and baptized in Gibson county, Tennessee.

On 15 May 1842, Thomas Washington married Sarah Ann Boren in Gibson county, Tennessee.  He took up boating also at this time and Made several trips to New Orleans.  About 1843 he moved to Nauvoo, Illinois with his second wife, Sarah Ann Boren.  His parents, brothers and sisters also went with him.  They finally located across the river from Nauvoo in Iowa.

They were all acquainted with the prophet Joseph Smith and William W Smith was at the meeting when " the mantle of Joseph fell on Brigham Young" and Brigham was chosen president of the LDS church.

In 1846 Thomas W Smith and his family went was the body of the church to Kanesville, later named Council Bluffs, Iowa.  (from the Pottowattamie County paper, 1847) There were many inhabitants in the vicinity of logs Log Tabernacle, which is situated on the government purchase of the Pottowattamie said in the state of Iowa.  There was no post office located within 40 or 50 miles of said tabernacle.  Many of the population got up a petition.  The petitioners wanted a post office located near or at said tabernacle without delay to be called "The Tabernacle Post Office", to appoint Evan W Green postmaster and to cause semi weekly mail of Austin or Lindon to be continued to said office. (Log Tabernacle, Miller's Hollow subsequently named Kanesville, Pottowattamie County, Iowa).  Among thousands of signers where William W Smith and Thomas W Smith.

In 1848 Thomas W Smith was called to be president of the Shirtses Branch in Council Bluffs when it was organized, where he labored until 1851, when they left for the west.  In May of 1851 he and his family started across the plains with ox teams.  Margaret Smith (she is the daughter of William W Smith, who is the brother of Thomas Washington Smith) - back to Margaret - she was just seven years old and was playing in the wagon when she fell off and under the back wheels which went over her.  Her father saw the accident too late to prevent the fall.  He got she was dead when you picked are up.  The ask the Elders to administer to her.  She survived and live to be an old lady.  They suffered many hardships but arrived in Utah Valley, Provo in early September 1851.  Thomas W Smith and his Brother William W Smith build the first gristmill in the Provo valley.

On October 5, 1853, the following were called to go to the southern settlements from Provo: Silas Smith, Thomas W Smith and others that would have a, (Deseret News).

In 1855 he was called by the church authorities to move to Fillmore and helped colonize that section.  Thomas W liked the location and built a small gristmill there and was building what he expected would be a permanent home, but the church leaders were looking for someone with the know how to grow cotton in the hot climate of Utah's Dixie.  Thomas Washington Smith was from the south, Tennessee, and had grown cotton there.  So again the call of the authorities came.  At the general conference of the LDS church held in April of 1857 in Salt Lake City, Thomas W Smith was called to settle in Washington County.  The purpose of the call was to establish the community of Washington and proceed to raise cotton.  The members of this group were all from the old south and had had previous experience in a production of cotton.

The company, the under the leadership of Robert D. Covington arrived at the site of the present town of Washington, Utah on May 5th or 6th, 1857." Thomas W Smith built a corn-cracker on the creek in 1857, the year of arrival of the Covington company of which he was a member." " Thomas W Smith had a grist mill directly south of town on the creek, close by the road leading to Washington Field by the way of the tower crossing of the Virginia River.  The foundation of the old gristmill is still visible.  Years ago there was a huge millstone at the site, but the stone was moved up to the Calvin Hall's tourist camp on highway 91 were it still remains, though the camp no longer exists."

"At a session of the county court held on March 24, 1859, Thomas W Smith was appointed road supervisor for Washington precinct." "The contract for building a road between Washington and Fort Harmony was then left to Thomas W Smith, Samuel Pollock, and N. J. Davis, supervisors from Washington, Toquerville, and Harmony at $2.00 per day for good faithful able bodied men.  A day's work was to consist of 10 hours and the time taken both coming and going was to be applied to the poll tax."

"At the March 1860 term of the county court held in Washington, Thomas W Smith, Samuel Pollock, and John D Lee presented claims for labor on the road from Harmony to Washington for $166.25, $106.25, and $25.00.  At the June term for the same year, Judge McCullough's court approved a claim for supervisor Thomas W Smith for $225 and made a recommendation for its payment by the treasurer of the territory."

In 1860 in the little town of Washington, Kane county, Utah, Thomas W Smith's seventh child was born on 11 June, 1860 and named George Albert Smith.  His father seemed to take him along on his trips when he was quite young.  At this time Thomas Washington Smith had a gristmill and a saw mill running early and late.  Money was scarce so he sold his lumber for produce and cattle.

He was a very good judge of cattle and soon had a large herd of the best cattle, both for dairy and beef, in the state.  He became one of the leading Cattlemen in the state and well with his mills, a dairy farm, and much farmland he must have realized the promise in his patriarchal blessing, that he would receive wealth by his labors.  I am very sure he could use it.  For now, besides Mary Ann Ross, his first wife, and Sarah Ann Boren, his second wife, he had married Susan Renolds Stevens, a widow with two children.  He adopted the children subsequently and she had five more children by him.  Later he married Nancy Matilda Ross Kelbraith with eight Kelbraith children whom he adopted.  Nancy was the sister of Mary Ann Ross, his first wife.

The day he married Nancy Matilda Ross the two of them adopted an Indian baby, Claire, whose mother had just been killed.  His first wife had one child, second wife had 10, third wife Susan Reynolds had eight and fourth wife Nancy Ross had eight.

During the 1870s, a few of the people of Washington establish a settlement on the Pahreah River and named it Pahreah.  They were called there are presumably to colonize in that locality and a especially to help build roads to the crossing on the Colorado River.

When his son, George A was about 19 he contracted typhoid fever, which was usually fatal.  For nearly six weeks he burned was fever.  The family had almost despaired of his ever living.  One night, a man rode up and knocked.  He said he was impressed to come here, that you had a seriously sick man and I was to administer to him.  They truly welcomed him.  As he laid his hands on father's head the fever left.  They were all so grateful and surprise that they didn't know when the man left or who he was.  They thought he might have been one of the three Nephites.  Up the later learned he was Abiuide Porter, Leah Chick's grandfather. Lea Chick was a local member of Washington Daughters of the Utah Pioneers County camp.  George A has born testimony many times a blow and that he felt the fever leave at once and he had no recurrence of the fever.

October 11, 2012

October 11, 2012:
Served in the Post Office and Meriweather dry goods store today with Sister Moses. We were scheduled to serve in the Scovill Bakery but got there and facilities management had the door off replacing it and tools everywhere. I called the Visitors Center and talked to President Salmon and they sent us to the Post Office for the day. We would have froze there plus it wouldn't have been safe to give tours. It wasn't bitter cold but it was farely chilly today.

History of John Mangum & Rebecca Canida Knowles Mangum

History of John Mangum & Rebecca Canida Knowles Mangum, Willie's 2nd great grandparents:

Graves along the trail.
Name: Rebecca Canida Knowles Mangum
Date & place of birth: ?
Date & place of death: 23 Feb 1847 Winter Quarters
Married: Jesse Knowles & John Mangum
History written by Carol Adele Hale Anema
History submitted by  "   "       "       "
Date submitted: 8 Sep 1976
Far South Company, Weber County, Ogden, Utah
Camp: Patchwork
Includes the history of John Mangum, an American Revolutionary War Soldier.

History of John Mangum:
In our family tradition runs, that one fine day in an Irish seaport village a young Mangum playing accidentally smashed a window in the church, and was so frightened that he ran and concealed himself on a vessel which was anchored at the wharf.  He remain concealed until the ship was far out in the ocean. This must have been way back in the 17th century, and a vessel made port in what is now the Carolinas. There is a small post office down there called Mangum and also a string of such offices scattered along the trails followed by the boys descendants across the Carolina’s, Tennessee, Mississippi, Indiana, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Texas.

This in all probability is a correct account of how the family arrived in America, and if our original progenitor arrived in this country as indicated, his name would not have been recorded on the ships listings.

John Mangum was born January 19, 1763 in Mecklenburg County, Virginia.  His parents apparently moved to Lunenburg County soon after he was born.  He was the fourth child in a family of six.  He had one brother, William, and two sisters, Lucy and Sarah who were older and two brothers, William Lewis who were younger.  (Note: you a question the fact that the first and fifth children were both named William.  It was a practice, especially in England, that when a child died, the which child of that same sex, would receive the dead child’s name.)
As john grew older, he was apparently active in the Baptist church, as he and his Brother Lewis are both listed as members.

Jones father’s name was also john and was born about 1736 in Albernarle Parish, Survey county, Virginia.  His mother’s name was Mary.  Her maiden name is unknown.  His grandfather William Mangum was also born in Albernarle.  His grandmother was Mary Person Mangum.  His great grandfather was John Mangum and his great grandmother was Francis Bennett Mangum, daughter of the governor Richard Bennett of Virginia.

John served as a coldier for the colonies during the revolutionary war.  He apparently joined at the age of 15.  He served six tours of duty from 1779 to August of 1782.  John was in the sage of Augusta about 1781 and was in the battle of Edge Hill, where he received a wound on his head from William Cunningham, a Tory, and was taken prisoner.  His length of captivity was not stated.  Two interesting and exciting stories of his experiences during the war have been handed down through the family.

John Mangum enlisted in Marion’s brigade at the age of 16 and served four years to the end of the war.

Story # 1: Brigadier general Francis Marion organized his brigade of frontiersman who furnish their own fast horses, arms and food, and who could be armed and in the saddle in a matter of minutes upon call.  They would destroy the British Supply trains, cut off any small detachments, rushing to their main camps at night for a raid and be gone before the British could get organized, and be in another country before dawn.

When the British would chase them with a large force, they would hide in the swamps and mountains or scatter to their own homes until the danger was passed and then be as it again.  They were the best marksmen, riders and woodsman on the frontier.

Marian was called the Swamp Fox.  At one time he was surprised while he and his men were all taking a bath in the river.  They all ran for their guns and didn’t have time to get their clothes.  He sent a flag of truce to demand their clothes or he would kill 10 of their best men.  Colonel Sir Banstre Tarleton sent the clothes.  The British courier, who brought the clothes, was invited to eat with Marion and his men.  Upon his return to his own lines, he told Tarleton that anyone who could eat sweet potatoes like Marion’s men did would never surrender and at Marion has said, “Tell the Colonel Sir Banstre Tarleton, that I will only kill eight of his men now.” Of course, he didn’t.

Story # 2: John Mangum fought at the battle of Cow Pens.  This was a place in a meadow where the settlers grazed their milk cows, and each farmer had a cow pen and for his cattle.  The cow pens furnished some protection as a breast work against the British army.

Marion’s Brigade was joined with those of Brigadier General Daniel Morgan and Colonel Light House Henry Lee, with Morgan in command.  He placed the new recruits on the front line with instructions to run if it got too hot for them and regroup behind the old veterans.

When Tarleton attached with the British regulars, the frontline gave away and they ran right into the best marksmen in the world who didn’t run, and his army was cut to pieces, surrounded and captured.  John Mangum was wounded in this battle.

Marian’s brigade in the main was a light brigade which operated on the theory that “He who fought and runs away, lives to fight another day.”

John had another brush with death.  While he was in the service, he was fermented to go home on a furlough.  When returning back to the service, the crew was captured and taken prisoner by the British and were kept for several days.  They then took their prisoners out to a lot and laid their heads on it and chained them to it.  The commanding officer drew his sword and raked two or three of them across the head and told the captain to turn them loose.  The commanding officer took his sword and split the rest of the prisoners heads open and left them.  John Mangum was one of the boys who was spared.  After several days he had the chance to talk to the commanding officer and ask him why his life was spared.  The officer swore and told him that he knew his brother William, who was a Tory, and that he thought he would make a good Tory too.

In later life, he appeared in court to claim his veteran’s pension and gave the following statements regarding his places of residence.
(I was born in Mecklenburg county, Virginia on the 19th of January 1793 informed by my mother when I was 11 years old.  I had it in a book from the time I entered the service. (this same book was in my mother’s, Delta Ivie Mangum Hale’ possession at the time she combined and published this book.) John could not write.  At the end of his declaration for pension it only had his mark.  He was 69 at this time or more.

In 1805 he moved from Newberry District, South Carolina to Warren County (afterwards Clinton county), Ohio.  In 1811 he moved to Giles county, Tennessee.  In 1815 he moved to Saint Clair county, Alabama.

Shortly after the revolutionary war, John Mangum married Mary Murdock.  Date of marriage unknown.  They had three children all born in South Carolina.  Mary died.

She then married Gemima Goggins.  Date of marriage unknown.  John’s brother William was married to Gemima’s sister, Anna.  These two couples were apparently quite close as John was the administrator of William’s estate following William’s death. As part of William’s settlement, his wife Anna sold John 82 acres for $7.75 on January 19’ 1838 in Newberry, South Carolina.

John and Jemima had two children.  The oldest Cyrus was born January 5, 1805 at Newberry. He went by the nickname of Russ.  After he was grown and married a move to Texas where he left a large posterity.  The other child, Mary was born May 17, 1804.

John second wife Gemima died and he was a widow were again with five children.  Following her death he moved to Warren County, Ohio.  Later changed to Clinton County.  It is here he meets his third wife, Rebecca Knowles.  They were married January 19, 1809.  They were the parents of eight children baking John the father of 13 children altogether.

Although only a part of the record John’s land holdings and transactions are available, it is evident that he had possession of a great deal of land during his lifetime.
John’s third wife, Rebecca Canida had one son from her first marriage to Jesse Knowles.  Little is known of the life of Rebecca until John’s death in 1843.  This was March 3, 1843.  He was 80 years old which was considered beyond the average life expectancy of his day.  He is buried in Fulton, Idawanba county, Mississippi.

In the fall of 1844, a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints, James Ritchey, was in Fulton, Mississippi.  Some of Rebecca’s children heard his teachings and were favorable impressed.  Three of the family, Gemima, John, and James Mitchell, became members.  A year later, Rebecca and the rest of her children, except Jane, became members.

The strong desire of the early members of the Mormon church to gather at the center of Zion was felt in Mississippi.  Rebecca and all her children, except Jane, moved to Nauvoo, Illinois. They apparently traveled by land during the winter of 1845 – 1846. 

Upon her arrival to Nauvoo, her youngest daughter, Lucinda married a missionary James Ritchey, who had brought the gospel to her family.

The Illinois mobs were at this time forcing the Latter-day saints from their homes in Nauvoo.  Soon after the marriage, probably in January or February of 1846, Rebecca accompanied her daughter and new son in law along with other relatives as they left Nauvoo.

The extreme cold of the winter was hard on the travelers, as their only shelter was their wagon and what wagon covers or tents they were able to carry with them.  Rebecca was fortunate that her son in law had a team and wagon.  Those less fortunate were forced to travel on foot, carrying on their backs their only earthly possessions.

That spring and summer were spent at the second camping area of the Mormons, Camp Pisgah.  Here they build a log cabin to provide some shelter from the elements.  This was beyond the frontier of that day.  Yet close enough to the frontier settlements that they could return to obtain provisions.  Rebecca son in law made such a trip to the settlements of Missouri to obtain food for the next winter.
Lake in a season of 1846, they moved farther west two Council Bluffs, Iowa where they again build a cabin and prepared to spend the winter.  The traveling and exposure proved too much for Rebecca and she died on February 23, 1847 at the age of 60.  Her grave is in the Winter Quarters Cemetery.

Elder Pilling's departing poem

Louise Young
Dear Friends:

Elder Pilling recited his original poem to the Emma cast as their finale.  I told him I would pass it on as many of you wanted a copy.  You are wonderful! I miss you already! Thank you for the wonderful, spiritual, fun and accepting kindness you have offered me as your director the past 6 months.  It has truly been my blessing! I love each and everyone of you. Sister Young

 With that said here is Elder Pilling's poem:

"Our mission is almost over, we're going to say farewell.
We're going home to Canada, and "Of Nauvoo," we'll tell.
We can't help but wonder, have we done any good?
We know that many, many times, we've tried the best we could-

To spread the gospel message, to the people of this land,
To help them know the Saviour, and His love to understand.
We've met many good , kind people, whom we have come to love.
We hope we'll meet them all in a better land above.

Where there will be no cares and sorrows, nor the trials of mortal life,
Where love will govern actions, instead of hate and strife.
And we know that we'll be happy in that other atmosphere.
Especially if we've worked our hardest, while we've serve our mission here.

Our thoughts are pretty much mixed up as our release draws near.
We are sure going to miss the friends that we have met while here.
But if you should ever come our way, to Alberta in the west.
We hope you'll stop at our home, for a holiday and rest."

Sister Louise Young
Historic Nauvoo LDS Mission
PO Box 215
Nauvoo, Il 62354

History of William Burgess & Violate Stockwell

History of William Burgess & Violate Stockwell, Willie's 4th great parents:
From a family group sheet in the Joseph Smith Building in Salt Lake City,
Utah: Sources of information:
Archive record submitted by Mary E. King, 550 Lincoln St., Gridley, California.
Pulsipher family history book compiled by Terry and Nora Lund, 1953: (Pariah
Pulsipher Burgess personal diary page 38-41.)
Submitted by Kenneth Glyn Hales, 4113 LaMirada Drive, Bakersfield, California,
Another family group sheet: sources of information:
for Burgess geneology: Sarah Krivanec, 918 First St., Ruppert, Idaho.
Mrs. Odean (Roberta) Barnum, 4522 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada.
copied from Archive record by Luella Pratt, Selena Leavitt, 2767 So 2nd E, Salt
Lake City, Utah. "All ordinances checked by TIB"

William Burgess, 1822-1904

                Autobiography in Kenneth Glyn Hales, ed. and comp.,
                         Windows: A Mormon Family
                              Tucson, Arizona
                            Skyline Printing, 1985

[One of the children of John and Hannah Burgess was William Burgess who married Violate
Stockwell and raised a large family in the Lake George, New York area. William was one of the chief carpenters in erecting the temple at Kirtland, Ohio and laid out the roofing timbers. This is a sketch of the life of one of his sons, William Burgess, Jr.]

I was born March 1, 1822 in the township of Putnam, Washington County, New York. When I was ten years old my father and most of his family joined the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. This was December 2nd, 1832. The next August we started to move to
Jackson County, Missouri. We arrived in Kirtland, Ohio the first part of September. The
Prophet Joseph Smith advised us to stop there and help build the [Kirtland] temple. The walls were about four feet above the ground.

That fall (1833) the church was driven out of Jackson County by the mob. In February 1835 I was baptized by my brother Harrison Burgess and confirmed by the Prophet Joseph Smith, under the following circumstances. There had been about thirty-five baptized during the week and all went to church on Sunday to be confirmed. We sat on the three fronts rows of seats and I was on the third one. Jared Carter and Elder Cahoon were doing the confirming. After they had confirmed all on the first row, the Prophet held up his hand for them to stop, and came to where I was and confirmed me, then went back to the stand and told the brethren to go on with the confirming.

I lived in the Smith family for two years, and learned much of the gospel hearing the prophet talk. I helped build the Kirtland Temple and was at the dedication. We passed through the persecution with the saints and were driven out. We then moved to Caldwell County, Missouri in August of 1838. The prophet counseled us to go to Daviess County. We arrived at Adam-ondi-Ahman about the 20th of August, 1838. The mob spirit was raging and all the old settlers but two moved away in order to have their families safe while they were fighting. For about three months I didn't undress only to wash and change clothes, and no one except those that passed through it knows the tribulation and privations that we had to endure. As it was for the gospel's sake, we endured cheerfully. I was taken prisoner by the mob and abused terribly. But we depended on the Lord and He delivered us from them. We went to Caldwell County in December and in the spring we were put in prison and the church was driven from the state.

We next went to Adams County, Illinois. We were driven out of Missouri leaving our homes
and all we had, but we were thankful for our lives that we were spared. On September 17,
1840, I married Mariah Pulsipher, daughter of Zerah Pulsipher and Mary Brown, near Lima,
Adams County, Illinois. In the spring of 1841 we moved to Nauvoo, Illinois. I was elected
captain of the Third Company, Fifth Regiment of the Nauvoo Legion. I passed through the trials and privations with the saints there and assisted in building the temple. On October 18, 1844 I was ordained a seventy by Daniel J. Mills. We completed the temple for ordinance work and on January 7, 1846 we received our endowments in the House of the Lord.

I left Nauvoo on February 10, 1846 with the pioneers, but came back the last of March, fixed up the best my wife and I could and started on May 23rd for Council Bluffs. I stopped in Iowa and worked. We arrived in Winter Quarters on September 16, 1846. We passed through that sickness that took so many lives and left Winter Quarters in May 1848 for the west. After four months we arrived in the Salt Lake valley on September 22, 1848.

History of William Burgess Jr. & Mariah Pulsipher Burgess

History of William Burgess Jr. & Mariah Pulsipher Burgess, Willie's 3rd great parents:
History of William Burgess Jr.
Born: 1 March 1822 Putnam, Washington, New York
Died: 14 March 1904 Huntington, Emery, Utah
Father: William Burgess Sr.
Mother: Violet Stockwell
1st married: Mariah Pulsipher 1 September 1840
2nd married: Charlotte Ann Elizabeth Liggett
Year arrived in Utah: 20 September 1848
The name of company: Brigham Young’s 2nd  tri if p
Who wrote and submitted history: Fontella B.  Hogg, 1 April 1994
Camp name: Cardston, Alberta, Canada Centennial
Sources: family records, personal research, “Windows”
The Burgess’s first came to America at the time of the revolutionary war.  The first was John Christian.  He was the royal heir to the throne of Hessian, before when Germany was a group of principality’s rather than a country.
He left for a live of opportunity as he didn’t desire to be loyalty.  After he arrived in New England, like so many others, he decided the Americans cause was the best, so he deserted and joined forces with the Americans. 
When his uncle died and he inherited the throne of Hessian, he changed his name from Friedrich Burnges to John Christian Burgess for two purposes: first so we couldn’t be found in New York State and second so his banns for marriage to Hana Newland would be accepted.
They had a large family of 10 children, one being William known as Sr. or grandad.  This William had a son named William Jr.  This is the history of this William Jr.
William Jr.  was the chief sixth child and fifth son of William Sr. and Violet Stockwell.  He was born 1 March 1822 at Putnam, Washington, New York.
When William Jr. was 10 years old, his father and most of his family joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints.  They were l fluff iving in late George, Argyle, New York at the time.  He was baptized 2 January 1832 by his oldest brother Harrison.  If
In William Jr.’s journal he tells of his confirmation. May I quote: “there had been about 30 baptized during the week and all went to meeting Sunday to be confirmed.  We sat on three rows of benches.  I sat on the third one.  Jared Carter and Elder Cahoon were doing the confirming.  As they finished all on the first bench, the Prophet Joseph held up his hand for them to stop.  He then came directly to me, laid his hands on my head and confirmed me.  Then he told the brethren to continue and he went back to the stand.  I lived in the Smith home for about two years and learn much by hearing the Prophet talk.”
He goes on to say that the profit told him he felt he, William Jr., was a special soul and was a specially  drawn to him.  Thus he kept him close to his side.
The profit called the newly baptized members to gather and the Burgess family and Clements traveled to Missouri in two wagons and very little clothes or supplies and joined the saints there.
At Kirtland he worked on building the temple, working as a foreman, and went through the persecution of the saints at the hands of the mob.  He describes what they did to the saints by saying that one had to go through it to understand the great trial and suffering they endured.
He was at the dedication and witnessed the glorious event.  He felt that attendance at the dedication was so wonderful that it made the persecution they endured worth the great experience he had.
When they were driven out of Kirtland, they went to Caldwell County, Missouri.  This was in August of 1838.  The mobs were so persistent that for three months he never undressed except to change into clean clothes.  He explains it: ”But it was for the gospels sake and we endured cheerfully.”
While in Kirtland, the Priesthood quorums were organized and William was called to be president of the Deacons Quorum. The Prophet Joseph Smith said this was to preserve order in the whole assembly of the church.
At this time, he was taken prisoner with other saints and was abused and beaten by the mobs.
They were compelled to leave Davis County and were driven to Caldwell County in December in the bitter cold. Then in the spring of 1839, they were again driven out of the state. In March of 1839, they were again driven out of the state.  In March of 1839, the Prophet Joseph and others were imprisoned and the church was again driven out of the state.  They had to leave all are goods and homes without a penny of payment but we’re thankful to escape of their lives.
On 17 September 1840, William Jr.  married Mariah Pulsipher.  They had nine children.  Her family had been baptized at the time the Burgess’ had and the two families were close friends. 
In the spring of 1840, they removed two Nauvoo, Illinois.  He was elected captain of the third company of the Nauvoo legion.
He was there during the great sadness the saints suffered.  He was again a foreman on building the temple while in Nauvoo.  When it was finished enough, William and Mariah received their endowments in the holy temple on 7 January 1846.
On 10 February 1846, they left Nauvoo with this saints and started for Council Bluffs.  They stopped in Iowa and he worked to get supplies and on 16 September 1846, they arrived at Winter Quarters.  They were there when the sick most took so many lives any help to nurse them.
In June of 1847, Left for the Salt Lake Valley.  They were in the Brigham Young Company.  This was President Young’s second trip across the plains.  It took them four months to cross the plains.  On 20 September 1848, They arrived in the Salt Lake Valley.  There were no houses except the Fort.  It was a very hard winter with snow covering the ground all winter until April.
On 3 June 1852, he married Charlotte Elizabeth Liggett in polygamy.  This was my great grandmother.  She was just a young girl of not quite 16 and he was 30 years old.  Her father had been killed by the mobs in Nauvoo and her mother had died giving birth when the saints were driven out of Nauvoo.
Her grandparents took her to the valley with them and now were they were old and worried about dying and leaving her alone.  They asked William to marry her and care for her.  This he did.  They had one son, Horace Liggett Burgess, my grandfather.
When the manifesto came in, the women were told they could choose between an annulment of their marriages are to just live separate from their husbands.  Charlotte chose an annulment and later married a young man, William Whitehead Taylor, to whom she has been sealed.
In the spring, the militia was organized and William Jr. was named captain of the fifth company of the first regiment.  Then in 1853 he was made a colonel of the second regiment.  In 1854, he was ordained a president although the ninth quorum of seventy.
In May of 1855 he was called ago on a mission to the Salem River to teach the Indians there.  He arrived about the first of July.  He was the counselor to President Thomas S.  Smith.  It was a long way from civilization and they had a rough, hard time.  He was there over a year.
When the Pilgrims first arrived in the new world, their first need was for lumber to build homes and other buildings.  Thus there most important need was for saw mills.  As there were so many trees in the area, the first thing built was a saw mill.
The Burgess’ were saw mill owners from the very first, after they arrived in Massachusetts.  Each place they lived, they owned saw mills.  When they joined the church in New York, they owned a saw mill. These mills have a real vital part of each community.
When William  Jr. arrived home from his mission, he built they saw mill in Parley’s Canyon.  This was this trade all of his life.  In his mill he made shingles and lumber for some of the first houses in the valley.  His father and his brothers ran the mill with him.
William Jr. was allotted 10 acres in the valley for a home.  The Denver and Rio Grande depot stands on this spot now.
In the fall of 1862, William Jr. was called with his father and brothers to go to Southern Utah and settle there.  They were asked by President Young to set up a saw mill there, which they did.
They moved to Pine Valley and built a saw mill and started to produce lumber for homes.  The timber in this valley was very good.  William and his family lived in Pine Valley for 20 years.
President Young visited the valley and he picked out choice trees from there and the Burgess’ cut these timbers down and sawed them for use.  It took William six months to haul the logs by ox team to Salt Lake City.  Here they were used to build the Tabernacle and the great organ that stands in it.
William and his family moved to Huntington, Emery, Utah.  He owned and operated a gristmill there. This was the first gristmill in Southern Utah.  He also owned a mercantile co-op store.  Here he also went into the bee business.
William Jr. was a very good carpenter, a successful agriculturist, a large land owner, and a talented mechanic.  He was a leader, a wise counselor and a friend to many.  He was an honorable and upright man of the community.  He loved the Lord and was a faithful father and member of the Kingdom of his God.
He died in Huntington, Emery, Utah at the age of 82 years and 16 days at his daughter, Annetta Robbins home.  He was buried at Huntington.
Submitted to the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers by daughter, Fontella Burgess Hogg, Cardston Centennial Camp, Alberta Company, Cardston, Alberta, Canada.  Great granddaughter, 18 October 1993
From a family group sheet in the Joseph Smith Building in Salt Lake City,
Utah: Sources of information:
Archive record submitted by Mary E. King, 550 Lincoln St., Gridley, California.
Pulsipher family history book compiled by Terry and Nora Lund, 1953: (Pariah
Pulsipher Burgess personal diary page 38-41.)
Submitted by Kenneth Glyn Hales, 4113 LaMirada Drive, Bakersfield, California,
Another family group sheet: sources of information:
for Burgess geneology: Sarah Krivanec, 918 First St., Ruppert, Idaho.
Mrs. Odean (Roberta) Barnum, 4522 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada.
copied from Archive record by Luella Pratt, Selena Leavitt, 2767 So 2nd E, Salt
Lake City, Utah. "All ordinances checked by TIB"

Mariah (Pulsipher) Burgess:
From a family group sheet in the Joseph Smith Building in Salt Lake City,
Utah: Sources of information:
Archive record submitted by Mary E. King, 550 Lincoln St., Gridley, California.
Pulsipher family history book compiled by Terry and Nora Lund, 1953: (Pariah
Pulsipher Burgess personal diary page 38-41.)
Submitted by Kenneth Glyn Hales, 4113 LaMirada Drive, Bakersfield, California,
Another family group sheet: sources of information:
for Burgess geneology: Sarah Krivanec, 918 First St., Ruppert, Idaho.
Mrs. Odean (Roberta) Barnum, 4522 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada.
copied from Archive record by Luella Pratt, Selena Leavitt, 2767 So 2nd E, Salt
Lake City, Utah. "All ordinances checked by TIB"

Mariah Pulsipher, 1822-1893 Autobiography (c. 1822-1850)

               Selection from the autobiography of Mariah Pulsipher in
           Kenneth Glyn Hales, comp. and ed., Windows: A Mormon Family
                     (Tucson, Arizona: Skyline Printing, 1985).


. . [Mariah Pulsipher was the third daughter and fourth child of the Zerah Pulsipher and Mary
Ann Brown Pulsipher family. An older brother and sister died young. She was born in New
York on the 17th of March in 1822 at Susquehannah in Broome County. She left a personal
diary from which the following story was taken.]

I moved with my parents, Zerah and Mary Brown Pulsipher to Onondaga County, New York,
when I was a small girl. Jared Carter came to New York preaching the gospel. Father, Mother
and sisters, Almira and Sarah and I were baptized in January of 1832. My father disposed of his
property and we made our way Westward. In 1835 there was a stake organized in Kirtland.
We moved there and helped build the temple. Soon after it was dedicated, the mob started
persecuting the Saints. My father, being one of the first Seven Presidents over the Seventies, had to leave. They bound themselves under a covenant to put their means together and not leave one saint behind. They left Kirtland with 500 saints.

We [Kirtland Camp] traveled to Dayton, Ohio. There we had to stop and each work to get
means to go on. The camp was divided into nine divisions. We lived all alike, and had a
commissary to give out provisions. We held evening and Sunday meetings. We enjoyed a stay
of nine weeks and obtained the necessities and moved on. We had not gone far before we were
met by mobocrats, telling us we had better stop because we would be driven out. Joseph and
Hyrum Smith met us at Far West, Missouri. They greatly rejoiced to see us. They preached to
us that night and told us to settle in Diahman [Adam-ondi-Ahman], Daviess County.

The next day we started on our journey of about thirty miles. As we arrived a mob was riding
around threatening to kill us. Father was taken prisoner with about thirty others, but later
released. I have been on the spot, a large pile of rocks, where Joseph Smith says it was Adam's
Alter in Diahman [Adam-ondi-Ahman], about one-half mile from our place.

We lived there about six weeks before being compelled to leave. My grandmother, now
eighty-six years old, said she had come to Zion to lay her bones down and now had to be driven on. She went to Far West with us and spent the winter. About a month before we had to leave, she died.

In the spring we moved again, crossed the Mississippi River and went up the river to a little
town called Lima. We went three miles from any settlement in the woods, east of Lima. There
we camped and got some ground cleared off to build a log house and plant a garden. About a
mile away the saints made the Morley Settlement. We much rejoiced to find a place where we
could live without being molested. There I formed an acquaintance with William Burgess and
about a year later, September, 1840, I married him. Soon after my marriage, we settled in
Nauvoo, Illinois, and helped build a city in spite of much sickness.

The mobocrats were continually seeking Joseph Smith's life. He and Hyrum were finally slain.
What a time of trouble. That fall I was so low I told my husband to pray for me. Before he
returned to bed he prayed for me. I prayed too, asking the Lord to show me whether I should
live. I lay free from pain for about an hour thinking of the situation of the Church, having to leave in the spring. I was not asleep. The room shone bright. All of a sudden I saw evil spirits. I was scared and was just going to call my husband when a voice spoke, "I am your ministering spirit." It immediately came into my mind that I had heard the prophet Joseph say while preaching that angels had appeared to him. He said the third time they always answered. I spoke the third time. The spirit then spoke, "If you were to see me it would scare you. You would not know the things I am going to tell you. You shall be well in the morning. From this time you are going to have more faith. You shall have a dream that shall comfort you. When you have a dream that troubles you, you may know it is from the evil spirit. Be careful of your health, and do not do too much hard work. Obtain your patriarchal blessing, this shall be a blessing to you."

I asked if Joseph Smith died a true prophet. He spoke, "He died a true prophet, Brigham Young
is now the man to lead the Church. If you will covenant with me not to reveal it to the world
there shall be things revealed to you that shall be greatly to your benefit." I then saw in a vision
the beauty and glory of plurality of wives. It said, "Your mother and your sister, Sarah, do not
believe in plurality. Almira knows it is right. Tell them what you know and they will all believe

I got up well. I had been three weeks confined to my bed with chills and fever. We received our
endowments in the Nauvoo temple. There was the spirit of the Lord present until we felt we had been paid for building it, even though we were driven out and had no further use of it.

We started west in the spring with an old wagon, one yoke of oxen, one cow and all the things
we could load in the wagon. We felt to rejoice that we escaped with our lives. We traveled on
with a small company through mud and storm, stopping along the way as the men could find
work. We stayed at Winter Quarters. The men all worked in companies to cut hay and erect
houses for the winter. I was living in a leaky log cabin without a floor in November when a
daughter, Juliett, was born. I was never able to leave my bed. The baby had to be weaned at
three months. I was very sick, but my father and husband would not give me up because I had
two other little children, Mary Harriet and Carnelia, to look after and care for. They said I
should live, so I gradually got better, but was very weak. Hundreds of the saints laid their bodies down there. President Young started with some more of the brethren in the spring to find a place for the Saints to settle. Some of the companies stayed and put in some corn and garden. I was sick all the first winter we lived at Winter Quarters. One of our oxen and the cow died. In the spring my health was very poor, but my husband had to leave me and go to work to buy another ox and get provisions to take us over the plains to the valley.

He had not been gone long until my baby took very sick. No one thought she could live. I
prayed to the Lord to spare her life and she commenced to get better. I did not write to my
husband to tell him how low she was. I did not worry him. When he came and saw her, he
asked, "Do you think she can live?" I said, "Yes, she is better and will live." There was only
about one in six of the children who lived from these illnesses. Hundreds died.

In the spring we got ready and left Winter Quarters. Almost all the Saints left that spring.
President Young and the Twelve all started. They organized in companies of hundreds. My
father, Zerah Pulsipher, was captain of our hundred.

We enjoyed ourselves, although I was not able to leave my wagon much. We camped one night
on a sand hill without feed and water. As soon as daylight came we went about six miles, found
water and feed and stopped. There my first son was born. After dinner we traveled on. I kept in
bed about two weeks, then was able to get around. I felt able and willing to go through suffering
to find a resting place where the Saints could worship the Lord with none to molest.

When we got to Salt Lake we camped out. My babe lived out of doors until he was three
months old. We got a house and put up a little mill to grind corn. The next summer we lived in a
dugout. My baby took whooping cough and was very sick. We called President Young to
administer to him. He looked at him and said, "He is a noble spirit." He blessed him and said,
"He shall have the priesthood whether he lives or dies." But we had to part with him, John

That was a great trial to have my only son taken from me. I was sitting alone a few days after my
baby's death, reflecting on his death, the Spirit returned and said to me, "You shall have a son
and he shall live." In about nine or ten months I had another son, Wilmer. He did live and is over
thirty years old and is a good man.

My baby, John William, died in the spring up Canyon Creek. He was taken down to the city to
be buried, the third to be buried there. We soon moved to the city. It was laid out in lots, a few
houses were built. We lived in the 16th Ward. We built a house with three rooms.

[Mariah Pulsipher Burgess died on the 17th of March in 1893 at Huntington, Utah. She raised a
family of nine children. One died young.]