Inspiratio nal week-end
Dear Elder and Sister Scott,
Sorry to be behind schedule with the weekly letter. Long ago I heard the saying that the hurrier I go, the behinder I get. That seems to be my story this past weekend.
My live-in grandson and his wife went on a camping trip up by East Canyon Dam for four days this past week. It surely was quiet here without all the sound effects of a one-year-old every day. She is such a loving little tyke that I surely missed her. The mother came home with a bad case of laryngitis. I guess the little one senses the problem, because she is more quiet than usual.
I am hoping that all of my correspondents were able to hear the special broadcast presented by the Church yesterday. The participants were ideally suited for the messages they gave. I am still feeling the wonderful spirit of that meeting, and I feel the importance of the messages that were given us. It is thrilling to reflect upon the responsibility of us church members in helping to find opportunities for our missionaries to keep busy teaching, as well as reclaiming many of the members that we never see in church. After the meeting I was thinking of the best way to approach an inactive neighbor living just two doors north of me, and Dave mentioned a family that has
"fallen away" in our neighborhood. Both families are friendly, so I must pray for the best approach to warm them up to the Church.
In reflecting back over that special meeting, I have been impressed about how each participant was ideally suited to present the message that he was assigned. I am always "revved up" when each one speaks on any occasion. I especially enjoy hearing President Monson relate his experiences as president of the mission in Montreal. Then I realize that every mission president is entitled to that same brand of revelation. I am sure that any person who has worked in or near a mission office has observed how the spirit of revelation operates there.
A long time ago I heard the saying that we should pray every day as if everything depended upon the Lord, then we should get up off our knees and go to work as if everything depended upon US. I get in the frame of mind that I am no longer able to get in the ring as a vigorous participant in the Lord's work. Yet I CAN give a 92-year-old's effort each day, rather than hunting an excuse for doing nothing.
My note to you is shorter than usual, but it still brings my love and good wishes for your having given the right answer about accepting a mission call.
God bless you in your loving service. I love you.
Grandpa Taylor
Letter from Farr West
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