Friday, June 14, 2013

June 9, 2013 Zone Conference, Nauvoo Illinois Mission

When it is hot, and you are tired, please remember that everyone else is, too. So be
flexible and adjustable with each other. Err on the side of compassion, rather than
When the going gets tough, there is great counsel in the words of the hymn, “When
Upon Life’s Billows”. Counting blessings is a great antidote for negative feelings
which would otherwise rob you of the spirit and even your physical strength.
Please receive changes, schedules, cast assignments and the like with flexibility
and adaptability. If you are asked to mop the green room floor rather than be on
stage where you would love to be, please make it the cleanest, holiest place,
sanctified by your faithful, obedient service. If you are replaced in a part or a site you love, so someone else can have a chance
to grow, please joy in their opportunity and be their best supporter.
Learn to roll with the punches -- let things roll off you like water off a duck’s back!
If you go into a new situation with your mind already made up that you are going
to be miserable, you are right – you will be! To be flexible and adaptable opens
the door for new discovery, enlightenment, and joys you would have never known.
Don’t take ownership of a part, assignment, or stewardship and forget whose
service we are in. It is not about us, it is about Him and what He has done for us.
There is one who opposes this work every day
 He will work on your attitude
 He wants you to be hard hearted and stiffnecked
 He wants you to murmur
 He wants you to second guess everything
 He wants to move your focus from the things that matter the most
When we are flexible, able to adjust easily to change, and
when we are adaptable, able to change easily to meet new circumstances,
then our hearts are wide open and ready to receive that which God has in store for
us, through the manifestations of His Spirit.

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