Monday, May 20, 2013

19 May 2013, letters from the Taylor's

Letter from Farr West

David Taylor
10:50 PM (9 hours ago)

Sunday, May 19, 2013
Dear Elder and Sister Scott,
I hope everything is going well for you.  Bob Rauzi passed away a few weeks ago.  Our son, Danny, received the Melchizedek Priesthood and was ordained an Elder today at Church.  I ordained him an Elder.  Tonight he graduated from Seminary.  Tomorrow afternoon, he will graduate from Fremont High School at the Dee Events Center.  This coming Friday, Danny will go to the Brigham City Temple to receive his endowment.  Late Tuesday night on June 11, our son will leave for his mission to Guatemala.  He has to be at the MTC there in Guatemala on June 12and will study the Spanish language.  It will help him with all 6 years of Spanish he had in school.  He can hardly wait to go on his mission.  We have been trying to go shopping to get as much of the things he needs for his mission before he has to leave home. 
I have to chuckle when my oldest son, Michael, said that since so many of the girls in the single adults ward are going on missions or are getting married, he said there is nobody to date.  I said to keep going to college, work and save his money.  After 18 months go by, there will be lots of returned sister missionaries to choose from to date.  I heard that Jordan Roe is planning to get engaged to a girl he met in the single adults ward.  He will be getting married sometime earlier this summer.
We got to Skype with our missionary in the Philippines.  Jeremy was sweating a lot because it is so hot and humid there.  He looked and sounded wonderful.  He loves his mission, even though he is struggling to learn Tagalog. 
We heard that Joe and his wife bought them a new house.  How are they enjoying it?  I'm happy for them.  Best wishes from me and David Jay.  Keep up the good work!  All of us Farr West neighbors are proud of you!  You are terrific missionaries.
David Taylor

Any trials lately?

8:24 PM (12 hours ago)

19 May 2013:

Dear Elder and Sister Scott,
                                    I recently read an article by an ex-mission president that I found rather interesting.  While I know this may not apply to all of the recipients of my letterI hope it may give you some ideas to use during your missionary experiences.  The article was entitled "Life is good; life is bad."
                                    "So there is the paradox: Life is good in so many ways.  We are blessed in so many ways.  There is joy and peace and happiness to be had.  But just around the next corner, even lurking close by, we may find, as Brigham Young said, 'sorrow, grief, mourning, woe, misery, pain, anguish and disappointment.'
                                    "This is because we were sent to earth  to gain experience and to prove ourselves.  Unfortunately, the strongest and most resilient plants grow outside of the hothouse.  That means that the Garden of Eden just wouldn't do as a proving ground.  Or, to use another metaphor, the most precious metals are refined in the fire.  As the Lord said, 'Behold I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work.
                                    "For those who desire to become an instrument in the hands of God, those are sobering words.
                                    "Elder Bruce R. McConkie tied adversity, in its many forms, to this testing, purifying process:
                                    "I say that this life never was intended to be easy.  It is a probationary estate in which we are tested physically, mentally, morally, and spiritually.  We are subject to disease and decay.  We are attacked by cancer, leprosy, and contagious diseases. We suffer pain and sorrow and afflictions.  Disasters strike;  floods sweep away our homes; famines destroy our food;  plagues and wars fill our graves with dead bodies and our broken homes with sorrow . .
                                    "Temptations, the lusts of the flesh, evils of every sort--all these are  part of the plan and must be faced by every person privileged to undergo the experiences of mortality."
                                    George q Cannon of the First Presidency explained it this way:
                                    "The Saints should always remember that God sees not as man sees; that he does not willingly afflict his children, and that if  he requires them to endure present privation and trial, it is that they may escape greater tribulations which would otherwise inevitably overtake them.  If He deprives them of any present blessing, it is that He may bestow upon them greater and more glorious ones by-and-by.
            Threshing is the process whereby the edible kernals of various cereal grains, such as wheat or oats, as separated from the inedible  chaff that surrounds them"  The ancient Romans had a threshing sled that in Lain they called tribulum.  Do you see its similarity to "tribulation?"  So often our trials do not come in a steady streams of trial, but in short bursts.
            Someone once quipped, "The thing about life is that it's so daily"  We must recognize that  tribulation and adversity are "equal employers" in that they come to both rich and poor.
            Tribulation will not always be a part of our lives.  We live with the hope--as indicated by the scriptures--that if we have been faithful in this life, we will enter into a state of happiness.
            We should really be grateful that the Lord trusts us enough to send a few tests. Let us vow to meet the trials with a smile and thank the Lord for His confidence in our ability to meet life's challenges well.

            All my love,  Brian

20 May 2013, a note from Sister Ballard

We had district meeting last night. It started at 6:00 pm and ended at 8:55 pm. Although a little long, it was very enjoyable. Everyone participated and seemed to be enjoying themselves. This is a note from Sister Ballard about it.

Kristene Ballard
7:57 AM (15 minutes ago)

Dear Sister Scott,
Thank you so much for your words of wisdom and encouragement last night.  I really needed them.  I have been struggling with putting my trust in the Lord and Holy Ghost.  I worry that I am not worthy for them be with me and so I doubt, but I am on the Lord's errand and I know He won't fail me.  I admire you so much and you have been such a good example to me and been so kind and patient.  Thank you for your friendship and love.
I love you dearly,
S Ballard

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

David Taylor's letter, April 30, 2013

         Letter from home

David Taylor <>
10:02 PM (8 hours ago)
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Dear Elder and Sister Scott,
The first news I wanted to tell you about home was that Bob Rauzi passed away last week.  His viewing was last night at the Poplar Stake Center; his funeral was today.  I couldn't go to the funeral since I had to work alone at Jimmy's Flower Shop.  My oldest son, Mike, just graduated with an Associate Degree of Arts at Weber State University last Friday.  He also graduated from Weber Institute of Religion last Sunday night.  Our youngest son, Danny, will graduate from Fremont High School on May 20 and from Seminary on May 19.  He will leave for his mission to Guatemala on June 12.  During General Conference earlier this month, we were told that there will be a new temple built in Cedar City.  Delbert and Doris Dabb's friends, the Shirley's live there. 
I hope all is going well with you.  I know you are very busy.  Your mission is a wonderful place to serve the Lord.  Your blog site is very popular.  Keep up the good work!  You have told me that many people, members and non-members alike, have enjoyed following your blog.  That is a great missionary tool you have.  Our prayers are offered every day for you.  May the Lord bless your efforts.
David Taylor