Dear Elder Willie and Sister Judy,
This is certainly a busy time of year, yet I hope that the spirit of
the season will bring some open doors for you and cause people's
hearts to truly seek the things of the spirit--be teachable. On the
other side of the coin you might need extra trials to be in a frame
of mind so the Spirit can teach you. Sister Shari Dew told a story of
an exasperated housewife, mother of 8 children, who had just about had
it one day, so she phoned her husband at work and complained, "Why did
the Lord give us EIGHT children?" The husband offered this
consolation, "Because He knew we could handle seven."
I heard another story on the BYU broadcast Monday that set me to
thinking. Bishop Edgeley of the Presiding Bishopric was traveling in
Europe with a Jewish fellow several years ago (I presume aboard a
and struck up a conversation. The Jewish man asked him, "What is the
most important word in the world?"
"Faith," offered Brother Edgeley.
"No, it is hope," countered his Jewish friend, who related the
following story. When he was a small boy, the German Gestapo had
raided their home and taken away every member of his family except an
aged grandmother. Fearing for their safety, the grandmother bought
some tickets on a train and took her young grandson, hoping to leave
the country and find a safe haven. When they came to a certain train
stop, Gestapo agents boarded the train, seized the two Jewish people
and separated them, taking the grandmother to a concentration camp and
her grandson to a special camp in another location.
Throughout the rest of his life the young Jew put forth every effort
to find any member of his family, but to no avail. His HOPE spurred
him on to become a man of influence, enabling him to search for family
more effectively.
The Lord gave us weaknesses that we might become strong. When we
recognize our weakness, we are humble enough to be taught. Then the
Lord leads us to become strong.
I heard a couple of thoughts today that struck me very forcibly; (1)
No one ever found instruction to be of worth if he only had INTENTIONS
of following the principles; (2) finding (or keeping) happiness
depends entirely on one's attitude. Each of these ideas could easily
be developed into an impressive sermon.
May this week be one that brings you intense happiness. I trust that
it will help you to know that you are in my daily thoughts and earnest
prayers. You must receive a spiritual lift from knowing how many of
your dear friends and relatives are pulling for you from the
God bless you! Love, Brian |
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